
Night in Norwegian Wood-5

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Literature Text

Night in Norwegian Wood

Rated: T
Author: Aurorita248
Warnings: Slight slash, supernatural scenes, implied rape, the usual.
Summary: 300 years ago, witches roamed Norwegian Wood. In 1964, the Beatles are getting ready to make it to their next destination for a concert. Unfortunately, no one told them of the white witch, the 'Blackbirds' or the strange feeling that they might not make it out alive.
Note: The inspiration of this story came from separate pictures from deviantart users Cyberfish and Crispy-Gypsy. All creative rights to those pictures belong to them.
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Chapter 5-The Biggest Mistake

Three hundred years ago, England was home to the biggest collection of witch burnings and executions in all of Europe. Dante began to a confused and frightened Ringo Starr. Witches and people who weren't witches were being hunted because of their knowledge and their 'strangeness'. The church planned on doing away with all people who were strange just to make them sound as the most powerful force in the village. In truth, they were becoming weaker and weaker, so they picked out innocent people and framed them to be witches so people would go on Sundays and confess to their sins.

"You weren't...part of this conspiracy, right?" asked Ringo.

No, and I'm glad that I never was Dante answered back. Sallix was unusual to say the least; she was white skinned and white haired in contrast to the brown haired and blonde woman that were in the village. Because of her looks, she was shunned by the whole village.

"She was an albino then, right?" that's what they're called. Dante murmured to himself. She was an...'albino', and people like her were considered 'outsiders'. If they had different hobbies, or they had different noses or personalities, then they were 'outsiders'.

"That's not very nice now is it?" said Ringo. "You should never judge people by their covers; it ruins the story anyhow!"

It wasn't nice at all, but people were so paranoid back then. Just one accusation on you, then everyone would be on your tail. It was impossible to escape the wrath of a mob who would burn half of a forest down to kill you. Sallix had to avoid that every day of her life; she never did anything wrong. However...

"However...what?" Ringo gulped, not liking where this was headed.

She had true witch powers. It was said that for every one hundred witches that were killed, one of them would be a true witch. That true witch was the one who caused the terrors in the night, the ones who made the crops wilt and die of disease. That true witch would cause suffering and misery...but only if she was angry.

"Let me guess, somehow you accidentally said something—or did something—that caused your 'wife' to go ballistic. Correct?"

Instead of answering that question...would you mind if I showed you it?

"How can you show me a scene of a woman being scorned?" asked Ringo. "I don't think that's a good idea..."

This is a serious matter; you must understand who Sallix believes who you are. Dante answered back, his wings outstretched. Close your eyes...and you'll see what I mean.

"Okay..." said Ringo as he closed his eyes. The rain that was pouring down on him stopped and all
was still. He heard chanting, he heard the sound of footsteps...he heard something about negotiations...


"I....not sure....She's...okay..."

"Safety....needs it...Now!"

The voices were arguing and the screams escalated and it was hurting Ringo's head. Grasping onto his head with his hands, Ringo got on his knees, mouth opened to let out a horrible scream...
His eyes snapped open and the pain vanished. In front of him, the scenery of rain disappeared. Instead, he was seen in a woods that was unlike his own. There was a small hut where two people were arguing. One had to be Dante without his wings...the other...he couldn't tell who he looked like.

"Dante," the stranger began. "This is for both you and Sallix; all wives-to-be go to the church to be properly cleansed and announce their rites so they can be faithful and loyal to their husbands."

"Sallix is fine without the ritual and the church."
Dante said in reply. "Just leave..."

"Dante...she has to go. What if she finds out your--"

"She won't find out. I love her! Can you not accept that?!"

"Do not take that tone with me!"
The stranger growled, hands ready to wring Dante's neck. "What I say goes, understand?! Give me Sallix!"

Dante screamed. "I won't let you take her!"

"Dante? What's...going on? Who is that?"

Ringo looked in shock as he saw Sallix...a little girl struck with albinism who was at few heads shorter than Dante. She hid behind Dante and looked so could this girl eventually become the White Witch that was terrorizing the forest? She looked so...innocent. It looked like she couldn't hurt
a fly.

"Hello Sallix," said the stranger. "Remember me?"

"Of course I do, Sir Lucifer." Sallix replied. "What are you doing here so late in the evening? Shouldn't you be preparing for tomorrow?"

"I am, young one."
Sir Lucifer replied. "I just came to pick you up; tonight is the night where you are to get ready."

"Of course!"
said Sallix, a look of enthusiasm on her face that contrasted with her pale skin. "I want to be with Dante as his husband; he's been so kind to me, I'd do anything to be with him forever."

"I sure you do. Now, why not come with me to the church? That way, we can prepare you for tomorrow?"

"I would be glad to."
said Sallix with a smile, taking her hand into Sir Lucifer's.

"Sallix, don't do this!" said Dante, a hand on her shoulder. "Sallix...don't trust him..."

"But Dante...he knows what's best for us, right?"
asked Sallix with an innocent tone in her voice.

"Please...I want this marriage to be successful...I want to be with you forever and..."

"Now, now."
said Sir Lucifer, interrupting the conversation. "We must not be kept waiting; let us go."

Sallix waved goodbye to Dante as she disappeared into the woods. Dante just stood there and then walked back to the cavern. The scene vanished, and Ringo returned to the woods of pouring rain.

"So...that's it?" asked Ringo. "Because you let him go to that man...that's why she's upset at me?"

There's a specific reason why she is angry at you. Dante replied. It's because she believes I set her up to be burned at stake.

"What?" Ringo gasped out. "I thought...that man..."

That man was part of the church and wanted to kill Sallix because of her 'abnormalities'. I learned that the church bribed the villagers to act nice to her on the months leading up to our wedding. Then, on the night before our wedding...Sir Lucifer would take Sallix away for her final wedding rites. Instead...she was found tied to a post and burned at stake. I tried to stop her, but she took it the wrong way and thought I set her up to be killed.

Sir Lucifer punished me for housing a witch. I was to be connected Sallix until 'death did us part' as punishment. I was branded with a 'Blackbird' curse, causing me to keep this form for the past 300 years. The blackbirds in this woods are my companions, the remains of all 299 people that Sallix killed to become human again. She only wanted their souls, and she only needs one more before she gains a body back.

"Can't you stop her?" asked Ringo. "That witch has my friends and she's going to go after me next!"

I can't; the mere site of me makes her upset as it is. Dante replied sadly. I wouldn't blame her...if I had been more forceful then things wouldn't have been like this...that man...that man!

Dante let out a cry as his whole body seemed to draw in the darkness around him. Ringo stepped back as thunder and lightning clashed once more and the caws of black birds made it resemble a symphony of chaos. The drummer saw Dante's eyes become a glowing red and anger and madness laced his voice.

I should've killed him! Dante screamed. That man caused all of this madness! He is the one to blame, and because you look like him, Sallix will always have hatred burn her heart! Why...Why do you look like him...


Ringo's eyes widened; Dante's father was Sir Lucifer? The same Lucifer that took Sallix away and killed her by burning? The same girl who took his friends away from him?!

"F-father?" Ringo repeated weakly. "You mean...I...look like..."

Yes...Dante hissed. That's why I must kill you. If you are killed, Sallix's anger will not grow. She will not be reminded of the man who caused this tragedy. Her spirit is full of vengeance and that is what keeps her in this mortal plane. If she sees you dead, then her soul will be at peace and both of us will be together forever..

Now hold still while I give you a peaceful death; after this, you'll become a blackbird like all of the other 299 people that came here...

Ringo was paralyzed in fear as Dante's hands became long talons. The drummer began to run, faster and faster away from the bird man through the woods. He had to get out of here...but he couldn't! Two people wanted him dead and his friends were all crazy...

The drummer wanted to be home; home with John, Paul and George. Home being away from the thunder and lightning. A place not being chased by a witch and a bird man...he just wanted to be home.

Ringo tripped over his two feet and landed in the mud. Looking up, he found himself in front of the house of the White Witch. Slowly standing up, the drummer saw the door open. Candelight poured outside as the White Witch of legend stepped out. Her face was contorted with fury and anger as she pointed a finger at him.

"I've been waiting for this day." Sallix hissed at him. "Now, I shall have my vengeance."

Ringo tried to run, but was stopped by a pair of arms that pushed him down onto the mud and pinned him there. Looking up, Ringo looked into the eyes of both John Lennon and Paul McCartney, both with eyes of evil intentions piercing into his soul.

"We're going to have fun, aren't we?" John asked Paul. "This will be fun."

"We'll kill him and then fuck in his blood, blood running down our chests and lubricating us...lips being sealed in a bloody kiss." Paul murmured. "Beautiful..."

"Don't forget me, mates." A deep voice replied. "Let me have him first."

Ringo turned his head around, his eyes full of tears when he saw it. George Harrison, the youngest out of the Beatles, now sporting black whorls and red eyes. He was doomed; he was going to die and his friends would be none the wiser...he wasn't going to make it. Even if he did, Dante wanted him dead...Ringo could barely speak, gnashing his teeth together out of fear as to help him calm down.

"It is time for the ritual," Sallix announced. "Tonight, we shall give him the punishment I never deserved...

"Richard Starkey, Ringo Starr, the reincarnate of Sir Lucifer, the father of Dante...for your punishment and my act of shall be burned at sake in front of your friends!"

If Ringo wasn't biting his tongue, he would've screamed to the high heavens; he was going to die...and that was it.
This chapter has been delayed but I hope people like it all the same. Sorry it had to be short; just wanted to tease people about the horror. XD!
© 2010 - 2024 Aurorita248
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thehurricanes's avatar
But...Ringo wasn't exactly the reincarnate of Sir Lucifer, right? He just looks like him?